Your Privacy
at Gaio

Gaio is deeply concerned about the privacy and security of our users’ data. As such, we adopt a series of measures to protect this information, in addition to having a fully implemented data protection compliance program

There are a few things our users need to know about the data processing we carry out:

Your Data,


We act as data controllers for personal data related to our clients, meaning that once you choose to use our services, we will request some information and make decisions to provide our service in the best and safest way possible.
We act as data processors for personal data of third parties inserted into our solutions by our contracting clients. This means we process data based on the decisions of our clients, who are the data controllers. This includes data from affiliated users, collaborators, clients, among others
We do not have control over the data that client companies request through the platform or input into their environments in the solution. This means that Gaio’s contracting entity is responsible for informing the data subject about any data processing carried out through the platform, as well as fulfilling its obligations as a data controller.

1. How did your data get here?

We may collect and store user information from various sources:

Through our marketing, prospecting, and sales processes

Via our website, when filling out any content form, newsletter, or contact us form

Through user registration on the platform

Indirectly, while browsing our pages with cookie preferences enabled in the browser

2. Why do we use your personal data that we treat as controllers?

Gaio respects all principles of LGPD and does not process data excessively or incompatibly with the proposed purposes. Therefore, we may process user personal data for:


Gaio is deeply concerned about the security of your personal data. Therefore, we keep the data provided on the platform in a secure environment, considering the treatment scope, through technical measures compatible with international standards and by encouraging the use of best practices. This includes a security risk analysis and the implementation of effective and widely disseminated Information Security Policies.

4. Do we share data?

To provide the service safely and excellently, we may hire some operators, such as servers, electronic signature platforms, and others. These partners are subject to Gaio’s decisions, and we always establish minimum requirements for hiring.

Furthermore, Gaio does not share data with other individual controllers that may identify the User.

5. When we are controllers, how long do we process your personal data?

We will process your personal data for as long as we provide our services, while an unfulfilled obligation persists, or for the time necessary to fulfill a legal obligation of Gaio, or if they are important to resolve legal disputes.

Regarding data related to targeted marketing, we will process the information until you express your desire to opt out of the lists.

6. What is the data subject's right?

The data subject has the right to request from the controller certain information and actions. We may not always be able to fulfill the request, but we will respond in all cases:

Confirmation of the existence of data processing;
Access to the data;
Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data;
Anonymization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary, excessive, or data processed in non-compliance with Law 13,709/2018;
Data portability to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
Deletion of data processed with the consent of the data subject, except in the cases provided for in Law 13,709/2018;
Information about public and private entities with which Gaio has shared data;
Information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusal;
Revocation of consent.

To make this request, just contact us via email at [email protected]. For your own security, we may perform some identity verification before providing the response.

Learn more about data processing in our Privacy Policy.